Graphic designer, illustrator, photographer
eBay: Future of Retail
Communication Design
A small scale event that targeted high value reatailers in NYC.
#IRL Blog
Design + Illustration
An ongoing lifestyle blog, created to connect the instructors from Udemy with real life situations and questions.
Event Design
A social and informational gathering of instructors from all over the world held in SF .
Apricot Analytics
Brand design
Branding and site design for a new cannabis testing lab located in Oakland, CA.
Lucky Brand site project
Information Architecture, UX/UI Design
A school project for a UX/UI bootcamp at the University of California Berkeley Extension School.

I am a graphic and visual/ux/ui designer and photographer living and working in the San Francisco Bay Area. I have worked in print and web design, real estate, model, and product photography. Besides graphic design and photography, I am also a talented illustrator, painter, and digital artist. Outside of work, I volunteer cycling to raise money for the SF AIDS Foundation and the LA Gay & Lesbian Center.